You may want to feel excited about packing your hospital bag, but you can’t seem to shake that feeling of dread, wondering “what do I need?!” Let us take some of that stress away from you. Here are some ideas for an organized and, hopefully, stress-free packing experience.

Your labor kit
- Your ID
- A copy of your birth plan
- Something to hold your hair back
- A hand fan and spray mist bottle
- Music and something to play it on
For you
- A robe or front-opening shirt for nursing and skin-to-skin contact after delivery
- A fresh nightgown, pajamas, or comfy sweats to wear when you have visitors
- Slippers or flip flops
- A nursing bra with no underwire
- Maternity underwear
- Personal items, like a hairbrush, cosmetics, toothbrush, and toothpaste
- A going-home outfit (pack loose-fitting clothes — you’ll be around the size you were when you were 6 months pregnant)
- Snacks for mom
For your baby
- A going-home outfit (multiple layers)
- 1 or 2 blankets, depending on the weather
- Baby socks
- Your baby book
- Rear-facing car seat
- Outfit for baby pictures
You’ll need your baby’s car seat to be properly installed in the back seat. Take care of this a few weeks before your due date — it’s not something you want to be doing on delivery day. Your baby won’t be able to ride home with you unless it’s done.
For your partner or support person
- Camera (check the battery!)
- Phone charger
- Toothbrush and toothpaste
- Light snacks and water
- A front-opening shirt for holding your baby skin-to-skin
- Layers for partner to add/remove due to air conditioner
- Change of clothes
And you are done!
You can, of course, customize your bags to your needs and likes. But, we hope this has given you a little nudge in the right direction!