Strengthen Your Pelvic Floor Without Kegels – Kind of! - Women's Excellence

The pelvic floor is responsible for more than you think!  The pelvic floor helps with bladder control, pelvic organ support, bowel habits, and even improving intimacy.  If you find that coughing, sneezing, laughing, or just getting excited makes you pee your pants, sex isn’t what it used to be, or your bowel movements are more difficult, you may benefit from pelvic floor strengthening!

So, what is the pelvic floor exactly?

The pelvic floor contains all of the muscles that support the pelvis, including the bladder, uterus, and rectum.  By keeping these muscles in tip-top shape, you can have better urine control and sexual satisfaction.

You want help…now what?

You have probably heard of Kegel exercises before, but let’s be honest. Even if you remember to do your Kegel exercises, are you even doing them correctly?  If this sounds like you, don’t worry!

There is a new, advanced treatment device available for women who suffer from embarrassing urinary and bowel symptoms and sexual dysfunction.  This device is called Emsella.

Emsella is a non-invasive chair that delivers electromagnetic energy to your pelvic floor, forcing muscles to contract – like a Kegel exercise.  During the treatment, you sit on the Emsella chair full clothed for about 30 minutes.  1 single session of Emsella creates over 11,000 muscular contractions, which is equivalent to over 11,000 Kegel exercises…..WHOA.

During the session, you will experience tingling and will feel your pelvic floor muscles contracting during your treatment, but the sensations are not painful. You can resume all your normal activities immediately after the treatment.

Most patients see improvement after six sessions, scheduled twice a week.  After your series of treatments, we recommend 2 sessions per year to maintain your results.

If you are noticing symptoms of a weak pelvic floor, contact Women’s Excellence for a consultation regarding Emsella.  We are here to help you get the most out of your life!

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