What is Functional Medicine? - Women's Excellence

Functional medicine is an integrative approach to healthcare that involves searching for the root cause of chronic disease. It is not solely focused on a specific diagnosis, but to find out the WHY behind these bothersome symptoms.

For example, high cholesterol is a common issue we see in our U.S population. High cholesterol can lead to heart disease, stroke, and dementia, among other things. When a patient goes into their doctor’s office and learns they have high cholesterol, they are usually told to go to the pharmacy to pick up their newest addition to their medication list, a statin, to help lower their cholesterol. They are usually not counseled on diet, exercise, lifestyle changes, or natural ways to decrease their cholesterol. They are given a “quick fix”.

Functional Medicine is not a “quick fix”. It is a process that takes time for both the provider and patient to take a deep dive into their overall health and find the root cause of their symptom(s). The focus is on lifestyle, stressors, environmental toxins, diet, exercise, mindfulness, and more. The goal is for patients to learn about their health on multiple levels. To take that step to say “ I don’t want to feel this way anymore, and I want to do something about it”.

That is our goal here at Women’s Excellence Enhanced– help you become the best version of yourself you can be!


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